Preguntas/Questions generadas por estudiantes de Escuela #38 Raul Alfonsin: 1. What is the Earth like from the space? 2. Do you remember your first day in space? Can you describe your emotions to us? 3. How do you go to the bathroom in the space? 4. What are the most important activities of the day, or a working day? 5. What do you do in your free time? 6. How are the daily tasks divided with the rest of the crew? 7. What do you usually have for lunch? What do you usually eat? 8. In our Base in Antarctic, we call the power generation plant "the heart of the base". What would you call the heart of the space station? 9. When are you coming back to the earth? How are you coming back? 10. What was the root cause of the decision to be an Astronaut? 11. Which messages would you give to the boys who dream to be an Astronauts? 12. What is the strangest things that has happened to you during your mission in Space? 13. What happens if someone gets seriously ill, how do you send him back? 14. An Icebreaker ship brought us here, how did you get to the International Station? 15. Have you even been to the Antarctic continent? Would you like to visit us, sometime?