To obtain this certificate, you must contact LU7AA station by radio and at least 4 other collaborating stations, in any band and mode. Once the contacts are finished, send an email with the QSOs data to certificados (at) amsat.org.ar with a copy to lu7aa (at) yahoo.com requesting the certificate. Issuance of the Certificate: The LUSAT's 31th Anniversary Certificate will be issued free of charge, digitally to applicant's email. The Certificate can be printed by the recipient if wish. Additional validity of contacts: The contacts will be uploaded to the radio operation log and once confirmed they are valid for the following permanent certificates:
During 'LUSAT week', from Saturday-16 to Sunday-24, January 2021, Amsat-LU, several Radio Clubs and collaborators will confirm with a single contact QSL commemorating the 31th anniversary of LUSAT and with 5 (five) contacts one of with LU7AA this Certificate will be granted upon request.
Were granted Certificates till (Click Number to see certificate)
Contacts will be by radio in multiband/multimode, terrestrial and/or via amateur satellites. Refer to LU7AA at qrz.com. Collaborators will call as: 'Callxxx, Amsat Argentina collaborating station, grants a Commemorative QSL for the 31th Anniversary of LUSAT'. Do not miss this Certificate or QSL like the previous ones, it will be a pride to have it and for AMSAT your participation. RClubs and radio amateurs have been invited to operate as a collaborating station. See Operational Schedule of collaborating stations. Additionally, collaborating stations will be recognized with a Special Certificate to those who request it and perform more than 100 QSOs(Silver) or 200 QSOs(Gold). Celebrating its permanence in space, our LUSAT after 31 years in space, continues to emit a strong pulsed carrier, receivable at 437.125 KHz. +/- Doppler. See LUSAT schedules at http://amsat.org.ar/pass?satx=LUSAT Lista de Certificados