Catalog number: 40909
Launch Date: Sep 18, 2015
Status: Operational
Uplink: | 435.270 - 435.290 MHz SSB/CW LSB |
Downlink: | 145.915 - 145.935 MHz SSB/CW USB 100 mW |
Beacon: | 145.910 MHz CW 22 WPM 50 mW |
Telemetry: | 145.890 MHz 9.6/19.2kbps GMSK 100 mW |
All other XW Satellite Frequencies
The six XW-2 CAMSAT satellites CAMSAT XW-2 (formerly known as CAS-3) amateur satellite system was launched in September 18, 2015.
Includes different weight category satellites, consists of a 20 kg, three 10 kg and two 1 kg satellites.
All six satellites are equipped with substantially the same amateur radio payloads, a U/V mode linear transponder, a CW telemetry beacon and an AX.25 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK telemetry downlink are attached in each of the six satellites, each set of amateur radio equipments has the same technical characteristics, but operates on different frequencies of 70cm band uplink and 2m band downlink.
Log and reports of contacts in South America: